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Old 09-04-2018, 02:52 PM   #9
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
1) Single Occupant private vehicles are banned except for two-wheelers. Do you carpool, bike, walk, use public transport, risk it or something else?

Having never even had a single driving lesson, I'mma walk or take a bus like I normally do:P

2) Turquoise or Teal?

I don't much like either - maybe it's the names. I don't like the way either of those sound.

3) Does the weather ever give you goosebumps?

Yup - nothing like being on the top of a hill during a thunder and lightning storm.

4) Citrus or Pine scented cleaning products?

Depends. Citrus for the kitchen, pine for the bathroom.

5) Finish the limerick, please
There was a young midwife from Perth
Who attended a difficult birth
When interviewed later
she said the new mater
was now blessed with additional girth.

6) Wear do you register at on the grammar nazi scale (1-10) ?

7) Do you like Pina Coladas?

Yes, but the feeling is not mutual

8) Which legal age limit is the most ridiculous in your country?

voting age - 18 - and also minimum wage is banded by age. Both of those are morally reprehensible to me.

A kid can serve in the army, legally have sex, marry (with parental permission) all at 16 - it is perfectly possible to have a 17 year old who is a soldier, a father and a husband - but can't vote in the country he is contributing to.

A 17 year old will also be employed at a wage much lower than someone of 25 even if they are doing an identical job. That is discrimination. If a male 25 year old and a female 25 year old were doing the same job with the same length of time in the company and the man was being paid significantly higher than the woman this would be grounds for legal action. But right now if a company were to hire a 25 year old and a 17 year old on the same day, at minimum wage rates, they would be offered different wages.

At the same time benefits for people under 25 have been cut to the bone - can't get help with your rent except in exceptional circumstances (such as a care leaver) because the assumption is that if you can't afford to rent a place, you can stay with your parents...and of course, if your minimum wage is less than 2/3 of the adult minimum wage how would you be able to afford to rent anywhere?

I'll stop now...

9) Which baby animal is the cutest?


10) What is the cutest animal you have eaten?

There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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