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Old 06-04-2013, 06:22 AM   #329
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Clod - I coached Tiger extensively for the Harvest Festival and the Christmas play (although he only had two lines in that.) I was a little annoyed because he has a great memory and suffers absolutely no stage fright. Mum learned the lines with him - he was word perfect before most of the class and no tears there.

But I was... not admonished, but it was mentioned that perhaps it wasn't fair for him to get extra help regarding the performance.
We were working on sound projection and intonation.
During sessions set aside for just this type of assistance. In fact we worked mostly at the beginning or the end of sessions, as a warm-up or cool down. The dinner ladies (who loved him anyway for being a handsome lad and very precise in his eating habits) used to mouth his lines along with him because we often practised in the hall as they were setting up lunch. It was a grand echoing space and great for creating a joyful noise.

I mean, honestly, it's not like it was an audition piece, or a scholarship place. Yes, he was effectively parroting the way I said the words, but it's still part of learning. Oh and he wouldn't take direction from Mum. Very stubborn. Well, no, not really of course. Just an aspie boy who assigns specific roles to the different people in his life. But Mum did not feel any jealousy, and if Mrs Olney wanted it to be said a certain way then that was the way Tiger was going to say it.

Bloody hell I miss my job.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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