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Old 01-22-2008, 12:51 AM   #198
Franklin Pierce
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 3,695
Haha, yeah it takes a while to get the effect. It took me about an hour or so.

But funny story concerning pot brownies. My friend made brownies before break and he had four left so him, my friend, and I decided to have one and then give the last one to my other friend who just went on a month break from pot and wanted to just get baked that night. When he came over to my friend's house we had some complications since the dealer he, the guy finishing his break, was buying from was taking awhile and we didn't have enough room in the car for me and my two friends so we stayed back, gave him the brownie, and he drove to another house where he was going to meet up with our dealer.

Apparently we forgot to tell him that the brownie was laced so he started to feel the effects while waiting and freaked out thinking that his body was producing an illusion because he was really looking forward to smoking that night. He got made fun of so much that night for acting like an idiot (well he was high).
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