Thread: 2016 Election
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Old 08-22-2015, 03:30 PM   #26
Big Sarge
Werepandas - lurking in your shadows
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: In the Deep South
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Everyone know I'm a gun collector, hunter, and target shooter. I've reached the point where I would be comfortable with a ban on assault weapons. I'd even be willing to give up all semi-automatic weapons.

I've always been a hawk in my military views. I strongly believe we have no reason to be involved in the ISIS conflict. This is a civil war between militant Sunni extremists vs Kurds vs Shias vs moderate Sunnis. Saudi Arabia is sitting there with the 3rd largest military budget in the world. Yes, they spend more on their military than Russia. Let them step up to the plate. There is no way we will come out of this with being covered with shit and being the bad guy. Let them fight among themselves and we only worry when they stray out of the sand box.

I want somebody in office who will use a common sense approach to immigration. This country was built with immigrants. Seems like I remember a poem on a plaque that was added to Statue of Liberty. Maybe our politician's should think about it.

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Of course, let's use common sense with illegal aliens. If they have a felony history and commit felonies here, ship them back. What the heck is this stuff about catching and releasing illegal aliens on violent crimes in sanctuary cities? Common sense people, common sense.

Here you have my views. Now do you see why I am looking for someone in the Democrat Party? I can't support Hillary. This private email server situation is horrible.
Give a man a match, & he'll be warm for 20 seconds. But toss that man a white phosphorus grenade and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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