Thread: You RFN, 2012
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Old 02-03-2012, 03:00 AM   #180
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Ibram, I really like you and think you're a lovely fella, but I reckon you need to get over yourself a bit. You're taking it too far, and you're going to make your road very difficult if you're going to take offence at harmlessly humourous comments like Sheldons. Honestly, there are a lot more battles worth fighting than the one you've created here.

Yes I understand you're on a journey and you're finding your way and it's hard but seriously, you have to still be able to make and take a joke, not just on your own terms, but on the terms of the people who mean you no harm at all.

Again, I honestly mean no offence to you. I don't really care what your sexuality is. I don't care what anyone's sexuality is. I really just want to be able to have a discourse without having to worry about who I called a he when I should have called him a she or whatever. if I'm talking to you, then 'you' are what you are, and what I address you as is of no consequence and has no bearing on what you see yourself as. The only person who really has to be happy about you is you. Everyone else can go get knotted.
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