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Old 10-17-2005, 04:06 PM   #18
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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We're missing your point, or we don't agree with your point?

If we're missing it, explain yourself. If you say my head's in the sand, that implies I insist on not seeing something you do. That sounds like you think I'm merely disagreeing with you. There's a difference, an important difference.

I want to explore this a little: the grand poobahs and what "they" should do about it. Do you know who these poobahs (imams) are? Have you read anything by any (and there are many) of them? Do you know what "they" are saying? I think you fall into a dangerous trap by lazily assuming there's some controlling "they". There isn't. Stop wasting your time looking for "them".

There ARE imams who incite violence, yes, there are. Many many more of them oppose it. Which do you think makes better copy? Which is more exciting? Which one will make the 6 o'clock news?

You make a suggestion for improving the situation: "Islam as an entity should do something about it". That's a great start. But it just begs the question, who is going to do something? Individual muslims? And when one DOES do something peaceful, will you talk about "Islamic" peaceniks? You probably mean the leaders in the communities of faith, the imams. What would you have them do? Condemn the violence? Do you have some other suggestion as to what "they" should do? Be specific.

You're on the right track, keep going. I'll work it with you.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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