Thread: Sundae
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Old 04-15-2020, 06:44 AM   #8
Superior Inhabitant
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 71

I've been around as a lurker for years and (checks calendar: ...decades?) -- I don't post or respond much, but the IotD has been a regular (at least weekly, sometimes daily) fixture for a good portion of my life (since 2002 by the books, but I recall being a lurker for a while before making an account).

Even though I am probably mostly anonymous, many of the more regular posters' names are quite familiar to me, and I could rattle off a dozen or two of your usernames easily. Despite having never met or interacted directly.

Sundae is one of those very familiar names. I certainly remember many of her posts over the years, and can remember much that she has contributed to the conversations.

Since my time on the Cellar has been pretty limited to just the IotD, I somehow missed having heard about this. I guess I just assumed that -- as is often the case with regular posters on many websites -- she found other things that occupied her time, and just naturally ended up spending less time here.

I am sorry to hear about this, however belatedly. It has affected me to a surprising amount.

My condolences to anyone who knew her personally.
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