Thread: Workkin' Out!
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Old 08-23-2009, 06:17 PM   #373
Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Lake Tahoe, California
Posts: 103
So, I have been a SWB (skinny white boy) my whole life. As much as alot of you would probably hate to hear this, I could spend a weekend sitting on the couch, eatting food and playing video games and at the end of the weekend, I would have lost 3 lbs.

I have always wanted to get myself into shape, but found it hard to motivate myself into going to the gym or working out.

A few months ago I was devistated by the girl who I was planning on spending the rest of my life with leaving me. So, I used that sadness to make me a better person.

Since May 5 of this year I have been going to the gym 5 - 7 days a week. I was also mountain biking in conjunction with that, but decided to start running instead to put more stress on my knees which are messed up from snowboarding injuries.

So, I go to the gym for an hour, then go running for down to the lake, where I take my shoes off and run a mile on the sand, which takes another hour. The whole loop is about 4 miles.

Im still skinny, but definitely losing some fat and gaining muscle.

I try and do push ups in the morning when I wake up, and in the evening before I take a shower. Also, usually a few sets during the day.
When I started I could barely do 20 push ups. I can now do 60 fairly easy. I didnt start doing bench press until just recently, I was doing pect butterflies, but I estimate I could bench somwhere under 100 lbs when I started. I am now benching my weight which is 140 lbs. When I started, I could do about 50 sit ups, I am now doing 50 sit ups on an incline bench with a 45 lbs weight on my chest.
When I first started running, I was doing the same distance. The first few days of it, I could barely walk after running. I was so sore, that I had to walk down stairs sideways. Now the run is something that I come to enjoy. I run to the beach, throw sticks off the dock for my dog to jump in and get, the run home.

I estimate I will be in the shape that I want to be in by the end of this year. It is still hard for me to gain weight. While I do work out regularly, my metabolism is still so high, and I have to eat and eat and eat to keep weight on. But I am still in the best shape of my life, and want to continue with it.
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