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Old 06-11-2008, 04:45 PM   #105
Constitutional Scholar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
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America has not been deregulating. It has been re-regulating. De-regulation means not regulated by the government. Some people stupidly claim that we had rolling blackouts in California or suggest the Enron scandal happened due to deregulation in the power industry. Nothing could be further from the truth.

If we had truly de-regulated the power industry consumers could choose who they bought their power from in the same way they choose who they buy their long distance from. I'll admit the phone companies are still regulated, but not to the degree they were before Bell split up.

If consumers could pick who they purchased power from, we'd never have a single blackout, and our service would greatly improve. When you compare laser eye surgery to the rest of medicine in America you see a stark contrast. Due to a high amount of regulation in the insurance and medical industries, the prices are higher and the quality of service sucks.

Compare that to laser eye surgery which is voluntary so it has almost no government regulations associated with it. Over the years laser eye surgery has gotten better and better and cheaper and cheaper.

The same is true of the computer business. It's largely unregulated.

True de-regulation is great. It means better products and services, and better prices, with more features, more competition in the marketplace, and more innovation. It's the reason a long distance phone call has greater quality with lower prices than we had 30 years ago. The same is true of computers. The same is true of laser eye surgery.

If power companies were truly de-regulated, ANYONE could get into the power business, and consumers could choose who they bought their service from. Also, it would mean hemp was legal because it's the only currently available source of power that could make us 100% self-sufficient without the need of a single drop of foreign oil.
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
- George Carlin
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