Thread: WikiLeaks
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Old 12-02-2010, 12:43 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Big Sarge View Post
In other words, they are in very deep shit.
As should have everyone involved in leaking the Pentagon Papers.

How screwed up is security when a Private in Afghanistan has access to all Pentagon and State Department cables. If he could do it, then they were not secret. And so the question is how many other countries were reading this stuff before WikiLeaks got it.

Most of the stuff I have been reading is basically common knowledge. Material only confirms what most already knew. The real Secret stuff was withheld. In reality, "Secret" means virtually anyone has access. Truely secret material starts at higher security ratings. Those are being withheld by WikiLeaks.

Once we eliminate hype, well, the world is now viewing international politics in a new light. The world now has a better idea which countries have been lying and which ones were actually being honest. For many nations, this means increased credibility.

If prosecuting anyone, start with the fools who simply gave everyone access to everyone - including a US Army Private in Afghanistan.

Reported was that China probably has every plan for every American nuclear warhead. When the accusation was made, it sounded preposterous. If a Private in Afghanistan has access to all this, well then yes, China probably does have all those weapons plans.

Who is trying to divert attention by hyping blame upon Wikileaks?
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