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Old 05-17-2005, 07:10 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
eating disorder accusations

I am naturally thin. Sometimes, I am way too thin, other times, I'm at a healthy weight. I go up and down 10-12 lbs, usually up in winter and down in summer. I am a lot more active in summer and I'm not stuck in the house with nothing better to do than eat...

I have many strange food intolerances, so I never ever eat the employee meals at work. I can't have anything with wheat or grains in it so it's easier to just eat at home. I also get very tired after I eat a meal, so I bring apple slices to work because they'll give me energy without filling me up and making me tired. I always get home starving and I eat a huge meal, like 4 potatoes and a steak, something like that.

Anyways, I would tell you guys if I puked or starved myself, cause you know I'm honest like that- But I DO NOT. The ONLY time I let myself go hungry is at work, because I don't want to get tired, but I'll still snack on apples and drink coffee with real cream.

I couldn't make myself puke if I tried- I DID try one time, because I took an energy supplement and started to feel like I was gonna have a heart attack- so I tried and tried to get it out of my system- and you know what? I simply am unable to make myself puke.

So there you have it- I never starve myself and I never make myself puke. I don't use laxatives or diet pills and I eat plenty of carbs every day.

So WHY THE FUCK does everybody think I have an eating disorder????

I am SO SICK TO DEATH of hearing either " ooooh, stacey, you're so thi-in! " or " OH! Stacey, you look so GREAT! It's so GREAT that you gained weight! You were really too thin...You should stay at this weight. And you're still really skinny! "

I hear this from people at work. And it's not once in a while- it's every friggin day. And I won't even go there to eat, because I swear to God, at least 6 people will creep up to see what I'm eating, like it's a big event.

Why are people so nosy? And why is it that just because a girl is skinny, she must have an eating disorder .

It's RUDE to talk about someone's weight if they're fat, but why is it that I have to hear about MY weight every fucking day?
Why are people so fucking obsessed with it? If I hear one more comment about my weight, I will punch someone. How can I make it stop?
What do I say? I don't want to be rude, I have to work with these people...

I've already tried to explain my food allergies- I think they believe I'm making it all up as part of my sick little eating disorder. Maybe I should bring in my allergy test results from the doctor? Then it would make it look like I'm overly concerned about their accusations and I must really have a problem...

I can't help it that my parents were both thin, or that my gluten allergy prevents me from eating most junk foods. I eat potatoes, butter and steak or fish every day, not to mention the fact that I put butter or oil on every meal and I love to drink red wine...I know I take in at least 1800 calories everyday.

I am so innocent of having an eating disorder, it's not even funny.

UGH! What would YOU do or say?
I have attached a very recent picture so you can see for yourself...
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