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Old 08-12-2004, 08:54 AM   #59
Not half the God I used to be
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: everywhere but enjoy the Vets club best
Posts: 120
Originally Posted by jdbutler
1. Did you really spend all of that time with Neale Donald Walsch or are his books the result of his overindulging in weed?
I don't want to sound like some candy assed God here, but in reality, I can spend time with everyone. It really only depends on your willingness to communicate with me and to hear what I have to say. Do I hang with Neale and drink beers? No.

Originally Posted by jdbutler
2. Did the 911 hijackers get their 72 virgins, or did you give the bastards a good suprise?
It may be somewhat confusing to hear, but I'm God, Jesus's old man. The God that watches over/listens to/inspires/loves/advises Christians. Buddha has made a brief appearance, maybe Allah will too. He could give you a bit more information about the 911 people, I can't. It's not that I don't care about everyone in the world, but they all just don't speak the same language, the same religion as I do.

So, without going through the hassle of accessing someone's file, the context of their question may exclude me from commenting.

Originally Posted by jdbutler
3. Will I really go blind, or was my mommy lying to me? (I'm willing to get glasses).
Ah, you are witty. If there's one thing God likes, it's a sense of humor. There are few things in the world that can compare to the power of laughter and humor. Sure, love is good too, don't get me wrong, but humor seems to be the best way to me to get my message across.

Having said that, I'll try to answer your question provided this doesn't turn into a wanking off thread.....or a ....well....other sexual issues thread. That's really not what I am here for. I'm trying to deal more with humanity's urgent issues and ways to promote it's survival and continued evolution.

So, the short anwer......she fibbed, but it was in your best interest.

Now a question for you. What can I do to help people get through this tumultuous period in history? Besides giving women 4 breasts, I think someone brought that up last week. Not what I'm looking for, funny but this is a serious issue with me.

Got God


Last edited by God; 08-12-2004 at 09:04 AM.
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