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Old 10-21-2005, 10:06 PM   #27
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
Posts: 27,063
I'm baaaa-aaack.

Well, I took today off from work, that's probably why I haven't posted recently. Wait. That sounds kind of embarassing and incriminating.....anyway.

Rather than quote you and argue with you tw, since I disagree with you on several points in this thread, I'll just hold forth on my own.

1 -- I know what I'm doing; I'm making my machine run right. "Shotgun approach"? Naw, more like dynamite, bulldozer, and professional re-construction.

2 -- When you have a malfunctioning capacitor, do you unsolder the can, unroll the inside, and locate the break or short before you run the forensic diagnostics to determine if the source of the problem was an overvoltage condition, a thermal failure, or the result of shoddy workmanship sue to the shortsighted workforce polices of the dunder-headed MBAs who foolishly decided they needed to support the stock price as the quarterly reports were coming due so that their bonuses tied to the company's P/L position would be (selfishly) enhanced, or after?

3 -- This machine, my main work and pleasure machine (computer, you doofus), is well protected against malicious assaults from the internet, but is subject to some hard duty. Like Pasteur, I often experiment on my own system before I install a program for others. Sometimes I uninstall the program, sometimes not. I accumulate A LOT of cockadoodie and I was simply tired of it. Unlike successive coats of paint, these additions to my system don't always affect only themselves. Think applying the second (or third or thirtieth) before the previous coats were dry. The applications get mixed up sometimes. And that's for the well-behaved applications. Sometimes the stuff I install is crap, and doesn't install nicely, and uninstalls even less nicely. I was tired of hauling around all that baggage. Buh-bye.

4 -- You were totally right on the part about being off the air by the time I read the post. Good call.

edit: I corrected my science history. Pasteur, not Lister, famously experimented on himself.
Be Just and Fear Not.

Last edited by BigV; 10-22-2005 at 12:18 AM.
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