Thread: Sterilization
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Old 05-09-2009, 08:09 AM   #5
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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Hubby agreed to "get snipped" as we say. He agreed to this in theory, and was going to do it about three years ago during a vacation week but instead we ended up moving that week! It's not so much that he disagrees with the concept, but actually getting it done seems to be difficult for him. He says he's not scared, but I know he must be. He's got three friends (at least) who have done it and assure him it's fine, but there's another who says he's never been the same, regarding both performance and sensation. I dunno.
Juni, no one I've ever talked to who had a vasectomy has reported problems, and I know quite a few. This one person could have other issues. I did a quick look around on the net and have not been able to find many advices of complications other than this routine information:

There was also an article about slight psychological issues such as an almost mourning for the loss of reproductive ability (understandable, maybe akin to what women feel in menopause) but I would think that would pass.

I don't know. It seems that you have been dealing with the contraception responsibility for all this time: if he's willing to go through with it, I think you should let him. It's the least invasive and therefore less risky choice.
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--Bill Cosby
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