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Old 05-06-2005, 08:49 PM   #4
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Posts: 995
Adding 274,000 jobs is really not that big a prospect. It may seem like a lot, but ... well, put it in perspective.

Current U.S. working population is about 145-150 million. April's increase was about one-fifth of a percent of that population.

It works out to roughly 5,000 jobs per state. In a place like Montana, maybe not, but that's where the big cities more than compensate. New York City businesses (legally) employed 3.5 million people in March, according to the census bureau - that's up 23,000 jobs from February. Nationwide non-farm payroll grew 146,000 in March; NYC alone accounted for 15.7 percent of that growth.

And those numbers are revised because people put so much faith in these economic indicators that they want the numbers as soon as possible. When all the data is retrieved and the dust settles, then you see what you're working with.
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