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Old 01-25-2004, 08:01 PM   #52
The urban Jane Goodall
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Florida
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Originally posted by lumberjim

your sample group must be quite limited. I know several people who would contradict your stated trend. Snoop Dog. Cheech and Chong. Bill Clinton.

People aren;t gonna tell you if they smoke every day. how do you know your boss doesn't fire up the bong on a nightly basis? You have never tried it, therefore your opinion is somewhat weakened. You may have the ability to observe and deduce, but if you have never tried it, I question your exposure to it, and the validity of your conclusions about it.

oh, and welcome aboard.
My sample is quite varied, but like any form of statistic, it is subject to being skewed by the environment in which it is taken. Also, considering the size of the purported smoker's pool, they would be considered outlyers. Also, statistics are only a trend and should always be subject to revision.

While I'm quite sure that Snoop Dog smokes regularly, he is just a rapper, just because a lot of people like something doesn't mean it's good.

I like Cheech and Chong too. Cheech Marin looks to have gotten a semi-serious acting career and we have no way of knowing how he chooses to entertain himself. Did you see where they busted Tmmy Chong for the first time ever just recently? All he supposedly had was a bunch of pipes and an ounce. Just because his son runs a headshop.

And Clinton is a cretin. And again we don't know if he fires up regularly or not.

I also find it amusing that everone who smokes comes back to the argument that because I haven't tried it I don't have any basis on which to argue, but if you look at the point I made previously I didn't say that the weed was the cause. I'm trying to see if it is the cause or if it is just another symptom of a greater issue. But I say again, everyone I've seen who smokes reglarly is stalled.

Just to clarify my exposure. Sadly, most of the people in close proximity to me smoke. I attend college. Also, regardless of my opinion, I have never been of the notion to report anyone who smokes or does acid, and all of the people around me know that.

I'm a lot more exposed than people give me credit for. : )

And thanks for the welcome.
I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law. - Aristotle
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