Thread: Midmonth Mayhem
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Old 08-18-2020, 10:23 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
z. How many tabs do you have open on your main browser right now?

Three that stay open all the time (2 email, 1 slack channel for Damn Interesting); beyond that my mind sees them as clutter and I compulsively close them, which often means I have to open them back up again moments later.

l. What was the last thing that touched your lips?

A tapioca boba flavored popsicle from HMart. It was pretty good, but not mind-blowing.

b. What's the scariest disease you ever contracted?

Other people were most scared when I got meningitis (later confirmed to be from West Nile virus) and had to spend 4 days in the hospital on morphine. But I was never worried about it at the time, I saw it as an awesome drug trip vacation from my life. Myself, I am most scared of Parkinson's, which I am relatively likely to get, it's just a question of when.

t. Where did you last walk to from your home building that was over half a mile from your property boundary?

Assuming "walk to" as in a destination, not for exercise... That would be a few years back, I walked home from the local mechanic (maybe 2 miles) and then back again when the car was done because I was too impatient to wait for their guy to give me a ride.

g. What animal are you not a fan of, but think it would be really cute if it was miniature?

The ones I'm not a fan of all bite or spread disease, which they could do even more effectively if they were small, so I guess none.

b. Make up a euphemism for either your emotion or your facial expression when you really need to fart but circumstances dictate you must hold it in until you can find a safer time/location

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