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Old 08-29-2002, 11:57 AM   #47
in the Hour of Scampering
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Location: Jeffersonville PA (15 mi NW of Philadelphia)
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Originally posted by jaguar
Because of legalities of because its mindnumbingly stupid? I woudl have thought since you're so worked up about schoolyard fights in the 60's you see why it was not such a wise idea.
Because I know what levels of responsibility kids are capable of, and at what ages, having raised a few myself.

I was making a parody of the line 'its all fun and games till someone loses an eye' Clearly we are currantly flying at 30,000 feet above Maggies head.
"We"? You have a tapeworm now?:-)

Look, this is another case of your "firearmed" coinage. You harbor this illusion that firearms as weapons represents something radically different in kind rather than in degree from other weapons and sorts of violence.

Violence and abuse between children is a very serious issue...and one reason there are incidents like Columbine is ignoring the issue until something dramatic happens, such as the use of firearms.

Violent emotion can kill with or without firearms, and fomenting violence and countenancing hatred, whether in an American (or Australian) schoolyard or in a Palestinian camp is the core. You allow yourself to be distracted by the "evil" of one instrumentality of violence, and thus you miss the true point.

I'm not "all worked up about it", Mr. don't call that kerttle "black". After all...

I'm in a deabte, of course i'm going to use emotive language...It doesn't warrant anything substancial, its unsupported, hyperbolic bullshit designed to incite...
Oh, sorry. Thought you wanted to have a discussion. I can find "hyperbolic bullshit" anywhere. Talk is cheap, and garbled, incoherent flamage is even less valuable.

It's really a shame that you have grown up to this point beliving that debate consists of incitement and bullshit.. That's one reason I've been anticipating hopefully the first time you actually get formal instruction in debate, because true debate very different from simply dispensing flamage in a blog.

It seems you see no difference between another generation of Palastinian children being groomed to throw themsleves into the Intafadah meat grinder and the boy in the "a-human-rights" poster, being shown how to use a firearm without a pile of propaganda being shoved down his throat along with it--assuming the Palestinian boy *was* shown anything about his weapon besides where the bullets go in and which end to point at the Israelis, a proposition that the photo itself makes highly doubtful.

Again, there's a world of difference between being taught *how* to shoot and being indoctrinated in *who* to shoot, and how to make a human bomb of yourself, from the cradle onwards. The photos Tony's been posting make a point about this practice, and now clearly the Palestinians have finally realized that when photos of this stuff hit the world press, it makes them look, very, very bad, just as the street celebrations after 9/11 did. "Hyperbolic bullshit" just doesn't play well, it seems.

That's not a difficult distinction to make, unless you're peddling ideas that won't stand unless supported by "hyperbolic bullshit". You may not "give a f*ck" about training...but raising kids, and learning, *after* kids aren't kids anymore (a line you're only just about to cross yourself) is very, very importnant.

The values a kid absorbs early in life shapes them profoundly as a person. If you don't disinguish between being taught self-reliance and responsibility and the institutionalized inculcation of violent race hatred, we do indeed have little common ground for discussion, and might as well fling "hyperbolic bullshit" back and forth. That's clearly not worth your time nor mine.

My comments about the likely outcome of a negligent discharge in the case of the Palastinian boy are supported by the past behavior of the Palestinians: every child is a weapon, and every death a propaganda opportunity. You can dismiss that as "FUD" if you like; but that's not the meaning of the term as I use it.

But if all you can do when you have no point to make is bluster, I suppose you might as well. After all, it may be true that "Violent *language* is the last resort of the incompetant" too. :-)
"Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune,whose words do jarre; nor his reason In frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."

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