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Old 12-12-2003, 01:26 PM   #8
ethics evolve.
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 60
Here we have the amusing spectacle of little green trolls fantasizing about their martyrdom at the hands of mythical Liberal Media Bias.

Not only is every newspaper, television, and radio station in America in on the conspiracy---including the well-known bastions of liberalism the WSJ, Washington Times, Fox News, etc.---but also every world newspaper, television, and radio station.

As Calpundit puts it:
In other words, as near as I can tell, this just isn't big news. CNN and Fox covered it briefly because demonstrations make for good TV images, but aside from that neither liberal nor conservative news outlets cared much. This isn't any kind of anti-war bias, it's just news judgment: there was lots of other news yesterday, some of it Iraq related, that was more important.

Hawks have been working themselves into a lather trying desperately to find good news out of Iraq, but I've got news for them: it's just not going to work. Sure there's some good news, but the fact is that the bad news is overwhelming it these days. Things just aren't going well, and burying your head in the sand and chanting "liberal media bias" isn't going to change that.

Wake up, folks.
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