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Old 12-14-2008, 05:36 PM   #40
Beware of potatoes
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Originally Posted by jinx View Post
I've seen the Z spelling at more authentic sushi bars. I don't understand why, but usually Sushi is spelled with the S, but specific dishes or styles use the Z (nigirizushi, chirashizushi, maki-zushi etc..)

Oh, here's why;
Sushi - (soo-shee)- Technically refers to the sweetened, seasoned rice. The fish is sashimi. Wrap the two together in portions and sell it as sushi, and the name still refers to the rice, not the fish. Sushi is the term for the special rice but it is modified, in Japanese, to zushi when coupled with modifiers that describe the different styles of this most popular dish. In Japan when one says “sushi” they are referring to the whole package, the sushi rice plus the neta. And this holds true for all kinds of sushi. When one wants to say “sushi rice” they say “sushi-meshi.” Also, in Japan when someone suggests going out for sushi, they are referring specifically to nigirizushi.

Juzt the thought of eating raw fizh makez me want to puke. I don't care how it'z zpelled
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