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Old 05-25-2001, 07:03 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,075
Think is bad in America?
YOU should see the Indian nuclear system!!!!!
WE had to watch an old currant affairs show on it for physics (teacher ran out of stuff for us to do lol)

There are so many leaks/contamination in some reactors rooms have signs in the like 300x which means its irradiated to 300 times the safe level, they were NO safety gear, tailings from mining and processing are dumped straight in rivers, causing horrible numbers of birth defects and downs syndrome....its just scary.

The other one is a kid in the US (I forgot where) build a WORKING FAST BREEDER in his backyard, using americium, out of smoke detectors, radium paint off old clocks, lithium out of batteries, and something out of lamp mantles, I forget what, made a neutron gun using the radium and americium, crazy shit, and he did it al with NO SHIELDING.
Fucking crazy, he now works for the department of the navy research.

Nuclear power is a big, ugly fuckup thats gonna keep reminded of for thousands of years. THey were meant to produce so much power that u'd barely bother to meter it, and it'd be so cheap it wasen't funny. Its expesnive to run, expensive to SAFELY remove the waste and often highly dangerous. For fucks sake, go renewable, its the only long term solution, pour the money into thsoe giant solar sats that microwave it back to earth, wave harnessing systems, giant wind farms in the desert, hydro, its the only way.
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- Twain
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