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Old 01-28-2014, 07:15 PM   #36
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
Thank you, Sarge. I hope you're not feeling quite that bad right now. If you are, let me know. I also have your back.

An interesting thing ... I delved into the medical literature on Arimidex and tamoxifen, looked up the numbers that don't show up on the generic list of adverse effects, and it appears that depression, mood swings, and emotional lability are quite common with both of these meds. It's about 10%; most of us wouldn't feel too comfortable consenting to a surgical procedure that had a 10% mortality rate, I imagine. Since being on these meds (tamoxifen for 7 months, Arimidex/anastrozole for 3), I've had some scary issues. Not for patients, as I've outlined here and in other threads, but alone at night. And an ongoing general depression.

The last instance was enough that I've decided to stop the Arimidex, take a 'holiday' of several weeks, and see what happens. Recently I've developed left foot pain so severe that every step hurts, as well. I know I don't have a metatarsal fracture but it hurts that much. So goodbye to Arimidex and I'll maybe try eating 14 g of soy protein daily. Some Chinese studies have shown that that level of soy intake confers as much benefit regarding recurrence as tamoxifen does.

If I can't walk, it's no sort of life. If I think about offing myself every third night, it's also no sort of life. So I'll give this a try.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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