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Old 02-20-2013, 12:22 PM   #6
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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What are your options? Give one or the other away/back?

I'm not there, I can't see how they interact, but I've had lots of dogs and cats, together... they work it out. I make sure the dog gets consistent feedback that *I* am the top dog, that gets understood and respected. The dog might not understand *why* I say NO, but he stops xyz behavior anyhow. EVENTUALLY. Seriously, it can take a very long time to train a dog for a given behavior. I just don't consider any alternative. Actually, if I can't train it away, then I have to decide to live with it. MY choice though.

11 days is nothing for the dogs and cats in my opinion. It sure can seem like a long time in your book, but they're working it out. BD's rottweiler puppy turned into a rottweiler pony but he's still highly triggered by the darting, unhappy, skittish cats, who have seniority. They have ways to manage like hiding, coming to me/SonofV for protection, etc. And Tucker Mojo is getting better and simply watching alertly when the cats come into view instead of going into shock and awe play mode. It takes time and consistent leadership.

Mostly time. And consistency. Good luck.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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