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Old 03-23-2020, 04:46 AM   #310
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
With a heavy heart I called in work this morning. I am benching myself until they can get me a laptop to work from home.

I am observing as strict social distancing as I possibly can - going out for food, medicines and walking the dog -

I have to walk carrot - I have no garden to let him in. I can't let him in a garden for most of the day and only take him 1 walk for exercise - every time he needs the toilet, I have to walk him. On top of that he won't do what he needs to do just anywhere - no pavement poos from Carrot. If I don't take him somewhere with grass or a patch of ground set way back from the pavement, he will hold it until he makes himself ill.

I dont live in a built up area - but suddenly all the people who usually entertain themselves with socialising and sports and work, are stuck at home and all going for walks to keep themselves sane and entertained.

Most people are being considerate and keeping a good distance - some are not.

What is really frustrating is when you see a small group of people all walking together, all clearly making a half hearted attempt at social distancing because there's a 1 - 2 foot gap between each person, but they're walking 3 abreast .... I cannot lean any further into this dry stone wall, you fuckwads.

I'm altering my route, stepping into drive ways to make room for someone to go past, crossing the road and back again, to ensure I leave 2m - and to make sure that the elderly lady who just came out of her doorway isn't having to make way, or cross the road for me.

And then a runner will go by leaving a gap of about 2 feet.

yesterday was a nightmare - trying to keep a distance when everyone was out on walks - as families and couples - most trying to leave a good distance and some really considerate sensible people (parents telling their kids to stop and wait so that other people can go down that street with a 2 m gap etc) but just in general very difficult to acheive that distance when so many people are out for non-essential reasons (imo)

If I had a a garden for Carrot I would be leaving my house a handful of times a week for absolute essentials like food for myself or dropping stuff to mum's door, or a midnight walk for the dog so he gets a bit of exercise. I would not be out there walking for leisure

Bit different for youngsters, difficult for them to get their head around being stuck in doors - I can see why a parent might end up taking them for a walk outside to burn off some of their energy especially if they dont have a garden to play in.

Anyone without a compelling reason to be outside should be inside - go outside the minimum amount necessary to continue functioning.

And don't walk 3 or 4 abreast down the street or lane - if you are trying to walk together while social distancing from each other, fine - but drop to single file when you see someone coming the other way.

These fucking cockwombles are going to force the government to bring in much stricter rules and people like me whose dogs don't have gardens or won't shit without going several hundred meters from their house are going to be faced with a serious problem.

Dont just follow the letter, follow the damned spirit - dont go out unless you have to. If you have a decent sized garden, exercise in it, dont go fucking running round the village. If you have teenagers, ground them from non-essential outings - if you have a garden they can exercise in it.

If you have small children, limit the amount of outings to once or twice a week, and the rest o fthe time keep them in or in the garden )if you have one) - if you dont have a garden, be very careful where you take them to play and try to avoid the times of day when people are most likely to be trying to buy food or travel to work (those who cannot work from home) - and make sure you have them under sufficient control to ensure a 2m gap from others.

People are skirting the rules, trying to show they are following them without actually really taking on board what they mean and why they are there.

And that's just my little village and the people who live in but don't usually have a reason to walk around it so much. The situation in the highlands, the dales and the other remote places is even worse. Loads of people traveling to beauty spots or trying to get out to stay in the countryside, in holiday homes and campsites - making it impossible for the residents to social distance and risking total overload of local health services designed for much lower numbers.

Selfish bastards.

Rant over.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae

Last edited by DanaC; 03-23-2020 at 04:53 AM.
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