Thread: Google Eyes
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Old 04-28-2004, 12:11 PM   #9
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
Know anyone who has recovered their eyesight without medication/optical assistance?
A few years ago my mum had a great deal of tyrouble with her eyes. She was in pain and her vision was blurred quite badly. She sought the advice of a doctor and he sent her to an eyespecialist and he very helpfully told her she had a deteriorating eye condition ( macular deneration) that would continue to get worse and possibly one day her vision would either o tunnel or cut out entirely....this was after two weeks of being scared to death because she'd been told it might be a tumour....

Anyways...She got the impression she had only a little while left with sight and was very depressed. The backs of her eyes were ulcerated through dry eye and the future looked bleak ( if you'll pardon the pun)

Then she did some reading online and discovered that menopausal women often have this problem. Lots of sites and forums all pointe dher the same way, a series of food supplements which were extremely beneficial to reasserting the body's balances after menopause and also more generally to improve eye health.

She didnt cure herself but her vision is much better and most of the symptoms cleared up after a fairly short time on the supplements. These days it isnt much of a factor in her life

I cant recall exactly which ones are best for eyes. I know bilberry/blueberry is one which contains anti oxidants which promote eye health. also Orange bell peppers and some of the other brightly coloured veg.

There are supplements which can be bought from most healthfood stores which combine the various eye friendly ingredients into a single mix and there are many brands of bilberry extract supplements.
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