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Old 01-06-2003, 09:16 PM   #32
Recruit or Something
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 4
Okay, first let me apologize for possibly not knowing the rules, as this is my first posting....

THat said, everyone is on the negative side of this issue. Aren't there serious health advances that could be made through cloning technology? and shouldn't we explore that?

Also -- and I admit I read too much sci-fi -- but if you continue to clone over and over again with the same clone, doesn't it cause each copy or imprint to be less than the original.... (Granted, I can't remember where I read this, but it sounds scientific, anyway, and would love your thoughts!)

I think there are advantages cloning could offer to (a) people who can't medically have children -- and I would add that cloning doesn't sound so bad when you take into consideration the fertility drugs that causes abnormal multiple births (which is worse, 9 babies or 1 healthy clone?) --, and (b) what about the future and the fact that we are killing off wildlife at an astronomical rate -- could cloning offer the ability to revive extinct or endangered species?

Finally, am I being too serious?
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