Thread: Kettlebells!
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Old 05-09-2016, 09:47 AM   #73
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 2,182
I seem to be improving, still. My shoulder still gets sore, but not in a way that limits movement, so I am not concerned. I know I need to add PT exercises back in. I am hoping to get motivation to do that T, H, S - Off days to my KB class.

BUT, I am doing the workouts in about the same time as the rest of the people in the class instead of taking a half hour longer. The weights are going up. Left arm is actually weaker than the right, so I have to start on that side with one armed exercises like most people.

Today's workout ended with what my trainer called "The Gauntlet". We were told to time ourselves, but I don't know if anyone else did. This is after a full, normal workout:
15 - Two Handed Swings
20 - BW Squats
15 - Two Handed Swings
20 - BW Squats
1 - Crawl across the gym
20 - Mountain Climbers (10 each leg)
Walking Lunges across the gym
40 - BW squats

My legs were like jelly afterwards, but I finished all of it. I got it done in 7:45. I figured it would take like 10 minutes - lol. I am really getting in the grove of working out in the morning.

In other health news, I have some new goals for this month.
Last month was a mess with my bro in the hospital and bad eating, but I had a goal of tracking everything that went in my mouth. I achieved that (minus one day). I only managed to lose 1.2 pounds for the entire month. My measurements were weird, too: I gained an inch on my thigh and upper arm. Lost a half inch on my calf, an inch on my hips, and one and a half inches on my waist. My neck was the same. Counting it as a win, but since I didn't meet my weight loss goal, I don't get my prize *sigh*

This month (minus one day), I am still tracking everything, but staying under my calorie limit every day, too. It's hard because I'm so hungry! LOL. It's going well so far. I almost mucked up one day when I thought I logged 95 grams of ice cream, but I only logged 90. Luckily there was enough wiggle room that I could eat the rest of the container

I am also not weighing this month, so any loss at the end of the month will be a surprise It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. I almost broke down on Saturday, but I held strong! I miss my scale. I still have a weight loss goal, but since I'll only know at the end of the month, it's not really a motivator this month.

Ok, ok, enough rambling for today. I should actually get to work or something.
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