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Old 09-01-2012, 03:02 PM   #1046
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post
Uh, yeah, I was employing sarcasm. I need to stop doing that with so many brits around.

We learn yes please and no thank you right after we learn sarcasm.
Bleurgh, I admit I can be a complete arse.

I partly believed it was a straight reply because when I worked in London the Americans I served never said please or thank you. But they tipped BIG. Which I preferred!
And because I see people in films or Merkin TV shows walk into bars and just say "A beer" I assume it's cultural. Not rude, just a difference.

Do use a sarcasm font though. I will also use an "I honestly do like Americans" font so you know I'm not protesting too much.

Dana - Dad now has to go for a brain scan.
He went for a long test at the Memory Clinic - an appointment he waited near on 18 months for (one was cancelled due to staff illness as I remember). Good job he had Mum to put it on the calendar and remind him.

They talked to Mum and Dad. Made her feel marvellous - she felt the GP had always resented her input. She had a 15 minute session all to herself to explain what Dad was like - what he forgot and what he remembered.

He knows the Prime Minister, the Monarch etc. Of course he does.
But given a list of three unrelated words, and asked to repeat them after 3 minutes he could only recall one. Not age, said the Nurse, something more. Let's take a look, eh?

It's made things a bit easier at home. Mum can still be nasty about his memory problems (as she is about his poor hearing and limited mobility) but she is slightly less vocal about it, now she knows it's not Dad playing her a trick. Just God.

By the bye, the nurses on Grandad's ward had him down as completely compos mentis. Again, he could name the Queen (c'mon! 1952?!) They didn't stay long enough to hear that the man in the bed opposite was bad-mouthing his dead wife, but it was okay because his (also deceased) Best Man was coming in to sort him out. Or that the ward was actually a film set. James Bond no less.

Glad your Mum still has her marbles.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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