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Old 08-18-2007, 09:20 AM   #16
Franklin Pierce
Join Date: Oct 2006
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They can not do anything about it, that is the problem. They do not have the room to be self supportive because of the walls Israel is building. If they do get land (the worse land in the area BTW), Israeli troops will sometimes destroy them.

You do have a point with the "blame the other" situation but to think that a society is always at fault no matter how much outside pressure is applied is not very intelligent either. There is a time for responsibility within a culture as a whole and a time when you can legitimately as a culture blame an outside force for parts of the problem and from what I have seen, Palestine has a very good argument.

I mean, you can not blame a child for not turning in an assignment when the bully (that is much stronger than him) rips up his homework every day before class and the teacher or any authority refuses to do anything about it.

Much different than using "The niggers|jews|spics|rich people|poor people|drug dealers|cops".

I agree that always blaming problems on outside sources is very dangerous but going to the extreme as to blame the person for every problem they have is just as bad. Shit does happen.

For being self-supportive, they have the worst land in the area because Israel has claimed the best, lost about 75% of their former land, and now the territories have the 7th highest population density in the world. They have very bad health care and education and it isn't improving along with an extreme poverty rate of over 50%. It is extremely hard, if not impossible to start up a stable economy under those conditions, even without outside pressure from Israel.

When you add Israel's influence then the chances plummet even more. Israel is a country that has broken numerous international laws and violated(1) many more human right violations(2). In 2003, Durfur supporters were getting extremely angry at human right groups focusing all the attention on Israel(3).

This also brings up the sociological issue of hopelessness within a culture. This will be highly controversial but to exclude this is leaving out a very important factor that Israel or the US never had to face in large amounts and it is something we can not solve either in small amounts. One example would be trying to rid our government of corruption, if we can get rid of that then maybe you can make an argument about Palestine's culture being at fault.

Israel was a desert. But the people focused on being productive instead of simply focusing on hate. And now the desert blooms. The same could happen in Palestinian territories.
If you ignore the premises, maybe. If we both start businesses and I have one million dollars and a masters in business and you have one thousand dollars and no experience and a much smaller lot, you can not expect you to even close to the success I can have. Israel has had an enormous amount of financial and military support from the US and other countries, something you can not ignore when comparing them to Palestine.

I do disagree with many things Hamas do such as that Mickey Mouse parody but to think that is the sole influence of the "blaming of others" problem is a very weak argument. I can guarantee most of the hatred comes from actual experiences with Israeli troops and this propaganda only will enforce it. For example, using cluster bombs and civilian human body shields are much more powerful than a stupid TV shows.

From all of history, name two.
Maybe I can’t name two for the exact conditions but you can name many rulers that have used personal gain as a reason to hold their people down, most of these can be seen in third world countries.

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