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Old 09-02-2012, 04:05 PM   #18
Goon Squad Leader
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Time to FESS UP


my nose.

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, that is. I've had the same surgery you had Clodfobble, and I'm dying to have it again. It is the *first thing* on my list to treat myself to once I have health insurance again.

In Jun 2009 I was at work and I had a headache that turned into a toothache that turned into an volcano of an abscessed tooth erupting fiery gushers of pain through my skull and jaw. This turned out to be an incorrect self diagnosis, so it should be read for illustrative purposes only. It turns out I had a seriously impacted (dunno if that's the right word) sinus on the left side, the solution for which was the rotorooter procedure you talked about.

I had an MRI done which revealed a sinus cavity completely full, and sealed, a deviated septum, and hypertrophied turbinates. The plan was to give me a general anesthetic, and through my nose clean out the plug and the sinus, and resection my turbinates (resection is surgery speak for cut away some of). As far as I know, this was done. The anesthesiologist had me count back from 100, 99, 98, 97, why am I in the recovery room and what have you done with my limbs?.

I got a ride home because I was in no pain, and similarly in no condition to drive, thanks to the miracle of modern pharmaceuticals. I had instructions about after care which I also disregarded probably for the same reason I couldn't drive. Anyhow. I too had the packing in my nose about halfway to the back of my skull, regular slow steady bleeding dripping, ugh. No vomiting though, thankfully. Your experience sounds truly horrible, so sorry. I eventually took the plugs out, too gross to describe accurately. I was very, very sore for days, though I took my medicine faithfully.

One of the aftercare steps I read about but didn't follow to my detriment was the nasal lavage using a bottle like this: NeilMed Sinus Rinse. I like the squeeze bottle style as opposed to the gravity feed style. I didn't use it regularly like I should have. This, I believe, was a big mistake. Clodfobble, if you have a device like this (and your after care instructions say so!) please don't neglect this part. I do it much more frequently now, and I love it.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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