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Old 04-03-2020, 08:20 AM   #5
still says videotape
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 26,813
1) Do you sit down to put your shoes on? No. how about socks? No.
2) Who was the last person you hugged? Pete.
3) If you ran out of toilet paper, what would you first use as an alternative (something currently in your home)? tisses (Then collect leaves)
4) Will you be joining in Intergalactic Googly Eye Day on April 6? If so, how; if not, why the fuck not -what else have you got going on? I will avail myself of this if/when I find out wtf it is.
5) iphone or android? iphone
6) Which is the best semiprime number? Steak.
7) What is the most surprising thing you have learned about human nature since this whole Coronavirus thing started? Healthcare pros do give a shit.
8) William or Harry? Harry
9) What is the weirdest animal you have ever eaten? Squirrel
10) Do you believe in karma? nope
11) What is your favorite song from the 80s? Hells Bells?
12) What is the most moving image you have seen related to the COVID19 pandemic? A little girl separated from her GGramma by a window.
13) Disney or Death? Death
14) What is your least favorite insect? mosquito
15) Do you think of Pandas when you read the word "pandemic"? I used to.
16) What is your current favorite insult? What looks to be the tickets of the two major parties.
17) you have to go somewhere 100-200 miles from where you live and stay there for 5 days, no restrictions on form of accommodation. Where are you going? camping ADK
18) Do you suddenly feel the need to cough/clear your throat when you read or hear the word "coronavirus"? No, it's just allergies.
19) What is your favorite malapropism that you heard in real life? Nip it in the butt.
20) Are we nearly there yet? July is a long way off.
21) Which public figure has most impressed you with their approach to the pandemic? Cuomo
22) (a) Bread or Potatoes? potato
22) (b) Rice or Pasta? rice
23) You are Supreme ruler of your own country. What is the name of the Capital City? Benny!
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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