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Old 10-15-2003, 05:52 PM   #32
The future is unwritten
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Originally posted by warch
I'm an American for gun control.

"Studies" that claim to prove that increased gun ownership, conceal and carry laws cause a reduction in crime are flawed big time. Correlation does not prove causation. If there is a reduction in the yearly crime rate in Sarasota, FL the year after conceal and carry legistation is enacted, does that prove that the reduction is indeed caused by the presence of legal guns as deterants or is there a chance that other factors contributed to this decline? changing demographics, shifting laws, drug treatment programs, weather? Come on.
Does the poverty ridden inner city of Chicago have a higher incidence of crime than Sarasota Florida? yes.Would the crime, death and injury rate in Chicago's southside decrease when everyone is allowed to be armed? Well obviously not, because essentially everyone is armed allowed or otherwise. So the next step is to have everyone armed more. Radar's nukes perhaps. The cops need more firepower. I'm not convinced that gun proliferation serves as a crime deterent. I think true crime prevention addresses the motivating contexts of criminal behavior- economics, education, health, community.
OK, you don't believe concealed Carry laws made the crime rate go down. Fine, but the point is THEY DIDN"T MAKE IT GO UP, so what's the problem?

People who suffer moments of unstablity, or consider suicide, or are immature, stupid and curious, or are murderous, when there are guns available, will use this effective tool on themselves and others. My concern is that a concealed handgun law will not make communities safer, but rather make more handguns more available to all imperfect audiences.
Apples and oranges. The guns are already in the community, in the homes and businesses. I don't think many people are buying guns because concealed carry becomes an option. They are carrying guns they already own. Although I will admit some people have told me they are buying a different gun that's more conducive to concealment. Personally I don't carry most of the time, but there are times and places where I prefer to exercise that option.
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