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Old 01-11-2020, 11:22 PM   #1
The future is unwritten
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Jan 12th, 2020 : Moon Tour

The Moon on Tour is not news, it does an around the world tour every 27.3 days, and we can’t do much about that.
Well I suppose with a concerted effort we could, since we have proven we can screw up anything... but it's a very bad idea.
Compared to other heavenly bodies looking at the Moon is like watching your neighbor across the alley.
Humans, greedy bastards by nature, want an up close and personal experience so demand, bring me the Moon of Alfredo Garcia...
er, Luke Jerram.

Since 2016 this Moon, an art installation by British artist Luke Jerram titled Museum of the Moon—has traveled the world. Denmark, France, Belgium, Beijing, Ireland, Latvia, Spain, Austria—they’ve all gotten a glimpse. Our planet has a single moon, but Jerram has several installations in circulation. Sometimes the 308-pound, helium-filled balloons are suspended over pools or other water, so that the glow spills across the surface. When they hang indoors, venues often dim the lights, conjuring a night sky. Visitors sometimes lie on their backs, as if they’re sprawling on the grass or night-cooled sand, gazing up.

Jerram used high-resolution NASA imagery to make his Moons to a 1:500,000 scale. At 22 feet (6.7 meters) in diameter, each
centimeter(0.394 in) equals about 3 miles(4828 meters) on the Moon surface. Unlike the real Moon, these are lit from the inside.
This past Summer they crossed the Atlantic to Providence, San Francisco, and Milwaukee.

The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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