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Old 11-17-2006, 02:36 PM   #12
I'm from the Midwest
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 19
I agree, this is biologically impossible. I was a biology major (now a doctor) and this just doesn't happen. The closest to interspecies breeding is the horse & donkey making a mule. But even the horse & donkey are closer phenotypically than, say, a bull mastiff and chihuahua (which makes you wonder if donkeys are really not a distinct species but rather the chihuahuas of horses!).

As for the "vestigial" things, I am constantly amazed at things that seem to be holdovers from a more primitive stage of evolution but are later found to have a purpose after all (though admittedly difficult to determine empirically). The appendix (main center of vitamin K synthesis) and tonsils (regional immune defense and offering some protection against gastroenteritis), for example, in our own bodies. My take is that God did create all species, but he used similar motifs in the design of each species. We do the same thing when we design things--look at how similar general computer design is (no matter the application or time when it was designed), or for another example, things powered by internal combustion engines (cars, airplanes, motorcycles). They all have a similar plan but different variations given the individual application. Just a thought and not intended to preach...
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