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Old 03-14-2017, 08:34 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Mountain Mule View Post
Citizens United opened the floodgates, allowing billionaire CEO's to buy and sell the government of the United States.
Two types exist. For example, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and many billionaire friends have channeled their efforts into addressing these and other problems.

Don't confuse them with a different breed who believe the purpose of life is to enrich yourself - even at the expense of others. They routinely campaign (lobby) to manipulate laws for personal gain. For example, openly advocated destruction of Glass-Steagall. And now want to eliminate many laws created because the rich successfully created a 2008 meltdown. Where do they recruit supporters? From extremists. From people who only know what their emotions tell them to believe.

I took an all day trip to Philly to understand many outside a Democratic convention. Bernie Sanders supporters insisted the Federal Reserve was a private corporation that manipulated our currency. Then insisted it must be true even when confronted with facts. Extremists. People literally told what to think. No different from the so many who insisted stock markets must be liberated from evil regulation. Or that global warming does not exist. Or who knew Saddam was conspiring to attack America only because Cheney, et al said so.

Some call them ultra liberals or neo-conservatives. I call them extremists. They only know what they are told to believe. Never demand the always required reasons why. Ignore numbers. Insist responsible journalists lie. They know because they 'feel' it must be true. Emotional like a child. Often do not learn how to think through a problem.

They are easily manipulated by the others. Such as a different breed of rich who believe the purpose of life is profits - to enrich yourself.

Does Limbaugh really believe fiction he regurgitates? Or does he just do what keeps him in his private jet and oxycontin? Either way, he promotes extremism by telling the many (who do not think for themselves) what to believe. After all, how do you get so many to advocate the massacre of 5000 servicemen in Iraq? And then deny they advocated it? Did they want that? Or were they so easily manipulated into becoming an extremist?

Citizen United simply made it easier for the richest to literally tell adults who are still children what to believe - how to think.

John McCain personally watched verbal arguments in the Supreme Court for Citizen United. Then said he wished just one justice had once run for a political office - even dog catcher. Because they did not get it.

Citizen United simply made it easier to manipulate emotional - adults who are still children.
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