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Old 06-07-2010, 10:32 PM   #51
Chews Food Coming In, And Going Out
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 339
Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Alrighty then, that's an okay cite. Opinion, but I agree it's useful.

Where are we? How is it the world going easy on IL actions means the state of IL is illegitimate and should be dismantled.
The expansion is illegitimate, and their current actions are border-line war crimes, in come aspects.

(Same goes for some Palestinian actions, so don't think I'm only seeing one side of the atrocities being committed.)

Beyond that, they had no honest claim to that land. They didn't take it through means of a declaration of war, followed through with enough military might to take the land... They were handed it, on a silver platter, due to our guilt over the holocaust. We felt bad, felt they needed a place to settle, shoved our oar in where it didn't belong, and gave them Israel.

It's not an illegitimate land, per se, but an illegitimate claim to the land...

I have nothing (fairly) against military expansion of land... it's part of how the world is run. However, there are rules to war, and rules for expansion of territory. Both require admittance of the fact. Israel does not admit to this. Israel constantly claims to be the "poor underdog" that's "defending the home of the Jews," and has "done nothing wrong, nor does anything wrong." This is my main grievance... They hide behind this veil of guilt, knowing we'll not cut through it. At least if they admitted to their hidden agenda (the constant growth of the Israeli home state,) and didn't try to win sympathy, whilst performing gross acts of terror/war/indecency, they'd not be backed by some of the world's most powerful countries.

As it stands, however, they continue to deny their true purpose, they continue to claim innocence, and we continue to ignore, to turn a blind eye, to their blatant disregard of war protocol, of human rights, and of over-the-top collateral damage.

Even killing an American peace protester wasn't enough to get America to see the atrocities being committed... or, most recently, invading that boat, in INTERNATIONAL waters, claiming munitions, arms, etc... when all it was carrying, was aid, and peace protesters.

It's disgraceful, distasteful, and, the U.N needs to start seeing things for how they truly are.

(Normally, I'm against outside interference in countries that aren't our own, but that is why I suggest the U.N itself takes action, being that Israel is a member state of the U.N, and thus, should abide by certain rules/regulations, facing penalty, should it fail to. As for actual interference, direct from our countries... Well, that started this, and many other messes, so we should stay well clear; not fighting against them, and most certainly not supporting them. Fair media coverage, however, so we can understand what is truly going on, without false information, or any form of agenda taking away truth from it, should certainly happen, if for no other reason, than that we can learn from the mistakes of others, and keep a fair record of history.)
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