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Old 07-05-2019, 12:51 AM   #2072
Fucktard Resistance League
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: 1.14 acres of heaven
Posts: 1,512
I had a pretty scary experience this evening. First time I felt concerned for my physical safety since I moved to SW WA 15 years ago. I had a kitty pet sitting job in a nearby town (about 2500 population, in a 2007 subdivision with narrow streets and houses set ridiculously close together). As I turned into the usually quiet residential neighborhood, I was immediately confronted with crowds of irresponsible beer-swilling parents lining the street and sidewalks while their wild-eyed 5 to 10-year-old spawn ran willy-nilly setting off big fireworks in the middle of the narrow road.

As I navigated through and around pre-set lines of fireworks all over the street, ready to be set afire, the drunk fucks lining the road started shouting "Get the fuck out of here, asshole!" and "You don't live here, bitch!"

Uh. Whut?

Fortunately, the house I was heading for was around the turn and a bit further down the road, so the plastered dog turds at the start of the street didn't see where I ended up. The noise was incredible, deafening, relentless. Smoke filled the air. People were hollering and shouting, kids running loose like banshees. I felt like I was in the middle of the fucking Siege of Beirut, FFS.

Once I got in the house and calmed the cat down, I called the cops. I was literally afraid to leave by the same route, for fear of what these freaks might do as I passed by on the way back home, and I didn't know how else to get out of there safely. The cop escorted me out of the area via a completely different and circuitous route of back roads, just to avoid the lunacy at the entrance of the subdivision.

What the fuck is wrong with the US when a person has to get a police escort out of an all-white, middle-class neighborhood in Sleepyville Butthole, Washington??!

I completely understand why this family decided to be somewhere else tonight. CHRIST.

Meanwhile, I live out in the (very dry) woods about 7 miles away, and there are idiots firing off firecrackers and mortars all around me. For reasons I'm still unable to understand, Vancouver banned fireworks within city limits this year, but in all the unincorporated areas you can light up the forest with fireworks at will.

Burn, baby, burn.
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