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Old 02-20-2004, 10:32 AM   #10
I can hear my ears
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 25,571
Originally posted by Undertoad

You want a challenge: build this same thing, but only use unsigned artists that are very very good.
oh, yeah.....that should be no problem. we all know 19 or 20 great unsigned bands that are willing to give us a single or two to promote to the millions of people that will be reading the reviews posted on the cellar.

sorry. woke up grumpy.

does a forum or website exist that caters to that kind of thing? one that, along with the talking about their music, has the ability to upload and play mp3 files. so that the bands can do what you described above......upload a song or three with pictures or videos linked in hopes that a talent scout or two would be listening? you could probably charge for the service, sell advertising to music stores, record labels, etc....

...if you do this and get rich, i'd like some monetary consideration.

and dar512, if that is your real name, since you have taken the position of morality cop on this particular thread, what is your morality radar telling you about the borrowing of said cds? Is it wrong for you to lend your neighbor the hedge clipper, when the manufacturer could have sold him one? are you cheating them? I think that as long as you are not turning a profit from the use of a product you have purchased that competes with the sales of the same product, you've done no real wrong.

in efforts to assuage the fears of lawsuits that you have stirred up, thereby considerably deflating the fun level of this idea, i'd be willing to reduce the length of time these cd's are borrowed to 3 weeks. this is enough time for us to sample the music contained therein, and if we like it we can take our lovely money down to the record store and pay the 19.99 for a cd we really only know that we like one song from,so that the authors of said cd can earn their $.37 which is their legal and "rightful share" after all of the fucking money grubbing machinery of the record industry has picked over the carcass of the band's work. hmmmpfh!

don;t let dar scare you people! i need more participants here....i dont want to have to listen to johnny cash.

oh, and by the way, juju, i hope to christ that you had that song list somewhere that you were able to cut and paste it. damn. too much for me to read.

i think the #2 or #3 idea is probably the best one. if we list the songs, it seems to takeall of the fun and mystery out of it. besides, sycamore already has that going on in the what's playing on the stereo thread.


like 2 and 3, but we create a "best of" cd that we can identify with personally. our lifetime alltime favorites. songs that have had meaning to us through the different phases of our lives. then whoever gets your cd can get to know you a little bit more. we could rotate these cds indefinately. check them out like library books. use a thread like this one to keep track of who has who;s cd at the moment

( wow, i just got Luvbugz's cd from undertoad, and it's full of strawberry shortcake theme songs, and liza monelli? who wants it next? )


"I just got FnF's collection from Arsen, and goddamn, that guy's twisted. you gotta hear this cd! it gave me nightmares!"

I feel very strongly that a person's taste in music says a lot about them. it divided us in high school. right? punkers, metal heads, new wave fags, etc.....

c'mon, people, i wanna do this. who's with me?
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Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan
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