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Old 02-27-2008, 05:56 AM   #23
May Ter Dee
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North London
Posts: 26
ok Lumberjim, i'm not 100% sure what you're taking about :p was I supposed to do this once i woke up at 8am? i'ts not so far off... it's about 11.30 and I woke up at 8.14 and I feel a little dizzy and a bit grumpy. (im on British time and I didnt bother to change my account settings....)

but i'll do your quiz anyway!

1. have you ever been arrested?
- no, but I have been cautioned and questioned for being in a playground at 11am on a tuesday... they thought we were ne'er do wells,

2. Do you like ketchup or mustard on your hot dog?
ketchup, mustard frightens me,

3. Is England America's bitch?
uhm, I guess we are... we're so affected by America, I'm not big of my polotics but as far as entertainment and technology goes... Americas in charge!
Redcoats and Yanks. =[

4. How many fingers am I holding up?
seven. ish.

5. Would you like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony?
not really, you know there'd be some sticks in the mud who just wouldnt cooperate. I'd probrably get shivved.

6. What color is the number 3?
im thinking and it's between blue and green but it isnt turquoise, or teal,

7. Boxers or briefs?
I hate when you but boxers on... and you pull up your jeans, and the boxers bunch up because they're too big... but then again if anybody finds out you're wearing breifs you become a total pariah, its a tricky one. I'd go with boxers though, the physical limitations of breifs are quite troublesome,

eight. Do you know the square root of 81?
9, of course. B in GCSE maths

IX. Just who the hell do you think you are?
I'm pretty sure I'm decended from vikings...
Irish bithparents... decended from vikings I think...
i'm pretty sure anyway,

10. Led Zeppelin or the Beatles?
oh Zeppelin everytime, although I couldnt believe 'Thats the Way' didnt end up on 'Mothership'
poor show, poor show.
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