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Old 05-02-2011, 10:01 PM   #33
Urbane Guerrilla
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Posts: 6,674
You have won nothing, Jill, and you're not going to. Sure, you're stubborn. Sure, you pursue subadult ideas. Those shall not win the day for you, handily nor otherwise. Fanatics collide with me and they break.

Let's start in on the nature of the Left, shall we?

The large number of rich Leftists suggests that, for them, envy is secondary. They are directly driven by hatred and scorn for many of the other people that they see about them. Hatred of others can be rooted in many things, not only in envy. But the haters come together as the Left.

Leftists hate the world around them and want to change it: the people in it most particularly. Conservatives just want to be left alone to make their own decisions and follow their own values.

The failure of the Soviet experiment has definitely made the American Left more vicious and hate-filled than they were. The plain failure of what passed for ideas among them has enraged rather than humbled them.
Particularly this last is whence the opposition to the Obama Administration and its agenda springs. Even the temperately-read words of the usual sort of Obama speech, exemplified in the "clinging bitterly to their guns and their religion" speech, show a profound disdain for people who just plain don't merit disdain. It mischaracterizes them as bitter, then abuses the practitioners of the vaccination of the body politic against genocide -- or do the JPFO have it all wrong?

I doubt that last in particular.

Being rather right of center myself allows and causes me to be whole -- unbroken. I am not here to lead you astray, Jill. I am here to do the very opposite. Indeed, such is my character that I could no other, all right? You don't have to like it right off, you don't have to believe me right off. But you will come to a somewhat uncomfortable awareness that I do rather well, because of what I hew to; because I have a clear understanding of who and what the monsters are. This is a faculty the Left -- well, it is kindest to say that they lack it.

This will, I think, be a great deal of fun.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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