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Old 08-25-2005, 12:05 PM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Empty cicada shells, after they molt, used to give me the heebs. Then we had like 500 million of them in our yard last year. They don't bug me any more.

When I'm inside the house, and a bug crawls on me, I don't really expect it, so it gives me the heebs in a big way. I usually kind of spazz out as I try to brush it off quickly. Outside, they don't bother me, because I expect them.

My 3 year old son doesn't like peepers (those little frogs that are really loud.) They give him the creeps.

I don't like heights. I get nervous when I'm up high. At work, we have a spiral staircase with glass railings. The staircase is 6 floors tall. Every once in a while, I lean over the railing and look down from the top floor, just to give myself a rush. Freaks me out.
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