Thread: Workkin' Out!
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Old 07-10-2009, 07:53 AM   #332
Major Inhabitant
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Silver Spring MD
Posts: 128
Wow! Perry. That is some serious stuff! I ran until I was nearly 60, but back problems caused me to have to stop anything that caused spinal stress.

Yesterday was legs and abs on the Nautilus machines. Worked up to 360 on the leg press, then did 155 on leg extensions, and some leg curls and calf exercises. Also the abduction and adduction. Can never remember which is which, but for women I think of those exercises as chastity and promiscuity - one keeps your legs together and one spreads them apart (115 and 220 respectively). Then 10 minutes on the exercise bike at random 14 to finish things off.

I was especially fired up before going to the gym, because there was this recorded phone call:

And the voice said (sorry Laurie Anderson): "You have been selected to get this call because someone in your family saw the commercial where the lady falls and cannot get to the phone..."

For those not in the U. S., perhaps you have not seen the commercial. It is of a woman on the floor trying to get to the phone. They are selling "Life Alert" which means that you can get this thing around your neck and press a button and call the paramedics.

What lying, despicable, worthless garbage these people are!

Nobody in my family called - I know that for certain.

And the voice was very authoritative, but deep and comforting, and he spoke slowly because you these little old people get confused if you speak too fast.

No Life Alert for me! Not after that attempted scam. I do not need it, and if I did I will never do business with people who lie to me.

And the next time I get a live call from some hearing aid salesman (yes, when you get to be a certain age they offer you free hearing tests), I will keep the jerk on the line for a while, by saying stuff like "What's that sonny? Speak up and stop mumbling. You young people need to enunciate better!" Maybe I can mess up his schedule enough to keep him from scamming one other person.

When you get old (73) the lying parasites come out.
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