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Old 09-13-2007, 04:56 AM   #9
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I always wondered whether it was more polite to poo at work.
I decided it was - it didn't use up the shared toilet paper (an issue in my last house-share) and co-workers have other options if you've laid a really noisome log.

In the end it was my body clock that decided it - I had to get up so fearsomely early that my body didn't wake up until I got to work. So I left 5 mins earlier and made the toilet my first port of call.

At my last job, people would go to different floors to poo. There was a young Muslim girl who worked on the 1st floor, who was always in our toilets straightening her hijab, and my colleague & I suspected her of being a sneaky poo-monger. I got into conversation with her one day and it turns out she came down simply to use the mirror in our toilet - because the 1st floor smelled so bad. She seemed genuine enough to make us feel guilty for the silent aspersions we'd cast for months.

Btw I never cover the toilet seat or hover in public toilets. I'm still alive. I feel a bit dirty admitting it though.

If I have to poo in a public toilet I will wait until anyone who may have heard it has left. Silly, but true. I always resented gaggles of girls who came in to do their makeup, feeling that they did tiny droppings like rabbits and I was very manly with no make up to correct and big turds.

I would also try to ease a fart out quietly, but am secretly delighted when someone else lets off a corker when I'm in there. More than once I've only given my hands a cursory wash because I've had a fit of the giggles at someone else's wind. How very childish.
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