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Old 08-23-2006, 02:36 PM   #23
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
Originally Posted by jaguar
snip~ The answer, from what I can see ties in to questions of the role of the nation state and culture in the 21st century - is some kind of explicit declaration of values, a kind of bill of rights of some sort, a baseline. ~snip
Sure thing...I write one up over the weekend and the World can start following it on Monday. Oh, you want input? OK, show of hands, who wants input? Back to square one.
But I'm just as wise as Solomon, why can't I write the rules? Oh that's right, he had an army, it's good to be the King.
Why bother making policy/rules/suggestions, you can't enforce?

We have a Bill of Rights, Constitution and a Legal Code. If Abdul or Maood, or Ming, want to emigrate, then they'll have to alter their Cultural Heritage to conform to our laws.
You want Sharia Law?... go home.
You object to queers?...don't marry one and it won't concern you.
You want us to change to accommodate you?...not here, dude.
You want to mutilate your women?...get the fuck out.

We need a slogan to rally our militant secularists..... how about, "Cultural Diversity - that's what the french do"

I'm inundated with "Embrace Cultural Diversity", every damn day. It's replaced, ISO-9001, ethics, 5-S, even Employee Involvement as the corporate holy grail.

The fastest way to get fired, neck and neck with surfing porn sites, is to tell an Indian you think feeding cows and letting people starve isn't right. Or tell an Asian you think whaling is wrong. Don't even think about the Koran or you'll be history.

I see two choices;

A ~ World War until we are all green mutants. UT said we need "actual understanding of the true differences in different cultures", but without accepting them and their practices, we only know why we're fighting.

B ~ Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchabunagungamaugg (lake Webster) in Massachusetts. Local lore holds it's Indian for, "You fish on your side, I'll fish on my side, nobody fish in the middle." Yes, that dirty word....Isolationism. When you have two or more cultures that are diametrically opposed in philosophy, you might come to a meeting of the minds eventually. But when the diametrically opposed forces are Dogma, forget it. The only way to not have friction is prevent rubbing.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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