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Old 01-28-2001, 09:52 AM   #4
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 3,338

I have to disagree with all of you. I listen to his show regularly whenever I can and he will have no shortage of material just because the Republicans have won the White House.

There will always be hot topics (not just Democrats) for him to discuss. He talks about whatever is in the daily headlines. I guarantee you he will be talking about the Super Bowl come the twenty-ninth of January. It's a leading topic. Bush will always be there because he will always be in some headline or other. No matter what a sitting President does, it will make someone's front page. Rush may disagree with the liberal slant that tends to be put on anything a conservative does, but so do I. I have a longer memory than most people give me credit for. And the hypocrisy that I see from certain quarters makes me mad. And I'm not shy about saying so. And neither Rush nor I will hesitate to castigate any conservative politician when he (or she) pulls a .

As for Rush's academic record, what does that matter a whit? I didn't do well in school at all but I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, well spoken and insightful. You may not agree. Many people don't and just as many do think of me that way. It's a free country still.
You're free to agree or disagree with me and my opinions and Rush's too. I don't always agree with him, but many times I do. It's because I'm a conservative and Rush and I tend to think along the same lines. He is better-informed than I am due to the fact that he spends his day researching and reading while I only get an hour or two at best. And he gets help from others who do research for him (the vaunted EIB staff) while I do not. That means I have a habit of listening to him and comparing what he says to what I hear and read in the news and occaisionally witness.

No matter what else may be said of Rush, he's entertaining and fun to listen to. His parodies are right on the money since they contain a kernel of truth. I will continue to enjoy his show whenever I can.

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