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Old 05-14-2003, 12:00 PM   #84
Superior Inhabitant
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 74
OK, I've thought of a question to ask. Many years ago my music teacher was talking about musical chords and how what sounds "right" to each person's ear is an acquired thing, something you learn from hearing it over and over. He gave an example of Chinese music, and said it has a 24 note scale instead of 12 notes like the European music, and if we Americans listen to Chinese music, it sounds like it's out of tune because our ears aren't used to the 24 note scale.

How much do you know about music? I've been curious ever since about how Chinese music compares, I haven't had much chance to hear it except at a resturaunt once. Is the 24 note scale more "traditional" that's not used much anymore, or is all Chinese music still on that scale? What are the instruments like that would play on this scale? Most European and American descended instruments, it would be impossible to play Chinese music on this scale. How is music written out, or is there even a notation scheme for it? Do you listen to American and European music, either classical music from 100s of years ago, or modern popular music? If so, do the chords and such sound strange compared to your native music? Or are we European trained musicians inferior because we only have half as many notes? :-)
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