Thread: Hey everyone!
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Old 10-08-2011, 01:50 AM   #30
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 224
1. Ketchup or Mustard on your Hot Dog?


2. What does Purple sound like?

A drop of water.

3. Beer, Wine or Whiskey?

Wine, beer then whiskey.

4. Did the cops come to your party?


5. When in Rome.....?

Hell yeah!

6. Are you fluent with chopsticks?

No, I suck at it.

7. If you had to join the American Military, which branch would you choose (of the 4 major branches)


8. Is Fish a vegetable?


9. Is the whole world out to get Gravdigr?

Of course!

10. If you could ask me 11 questions, what would they be?

Why are you asking me these questions? 11x

11. What color shirt am I wearing?


12. Do you leave your home to go to work?


13. Of the following items, which would you spend the extra money buying top quality? Pants, Shoes, Tires, Purses, Undergaments, Food, Makeup, Vodka, or Lawyers?

That's a tough one but I'd have to say shoes.

14. Give me a random answer.

Because I said so.

15. Do you have any enemies?

Yes. But I'm a very lovable person.

16. Where were you when the 2nd Airplane hit the WTC, and what were you wearing?

Home and I don't remember what I was wearing.

16a... What are you wearing right now?

Shorts and a tank top.

17. Who do you think you are?

Why I'm BriliantDisguise of course!

18. What is the closest red object to you right now?

My toenails...a dark red.

19. what's going on with your feet right now?

They're under my butt.

20. cock?

Do I have one? No. Do I like it? Yes.
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