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Old 01-25-2007, 03:35 PM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
One of the freaky things about me is that when I look at a situation, I often look for the danger in that situation. For example, it drives me nuts when my wife puts things on the steps to take upstairs later as that's a tripping hazard.

Anyway, here I keep thinking about the cables and the tremendous tension they are under. They are obviously thick and strong enough for the task, but I can't help remembering the stories my Dad told me about how a cable will always whip around when it snaps, and can easily decapitate a person, but when a chain breaks, it just falls to the ground with no force. I bet those cables could cut through some of those smaller trees if they snapped, there is so much force in them. [/freak]
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