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Old 07-03-2001, 10:45 PM   #7
Colorado Linux Geek
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Denver
Posts: 19
Sometimes it just doesn't to go to work...

Once in a while, your very own IT people turn around and bite you. I get to work today, try to login to the network, and find that my password has expired. Now, we've never had password aging here before, so I had to wonder what was up since I was not even being offered the chance to change my password.<p>My boss (one of the rare, good variety who actually cares about her people) calls IT, since she got the same thing when she tried to login, and of course it took nearly an hour to get it all straightened out! Seems IT decided to implement password aging, and expired <i>everyone's</i> passwords at midnight! To add to the fun, they set it up wrong, so that you were simply denied access and were not offered the usual NT prompt to change the expired password. They disovered this mistake AFTER the last person with admin access had logged out, and even they could no longer login!<p>Someone eventually had to contact Microsoft to get help, which is why it took sooo long to correct it all, and the punchline to the whole affair is that just before the last Admin logged out he sent a floor-wide email announcing the change, and another to the morning people to the effect that he screwed it up, did not know how to fix it, and then he logged out! (How he figured we would be able to read these is a mystery, of course...)<p>And I thought our users were capable of stupidity!
"Still! `Old friend!' You've managed to kill just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman you keep missing the target!" Admiral James Tiberius Kirk, ST: The Wrath of Khan
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