Thread: Chores
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Old 01-01-2012, 05:53 AM   #10
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
The boys and I had a lengthy discussion and I know Tyler (elder) is dead keen, he wants to earn because money has been tight recently and they havent been kept in the manner I have accustomed them too - they dont need for anything, but they always want.

Tyler is a mad keen fisherman and wants new shiny reels and rods, plus they have xbox 360, wii and ps2, so there are always games they want.

Addi is very wanting and wont like his brother having money to get things, so he will do it to keep up with the Jones'.

At this stage, I am happy to link chores and pocket money as this is the first time they have really had set tasks and I think the money will keep them keen. There are new nerf guns released every week and we have to have every one of them.

Bedroom clean up and washing put out are every day occurences that I expect, they have been doing that for years, it doesnt really come into the chores list, plus we have a dishwasher and stupid kitchen set up which means I am stretching to put the crockery away, I sweep the floor twice a day (stupid beach sand) and we dont have a lot of carpet to there are some limitations.

But their chore list looks as follows:
*Sort washing into wash piles (he loves to do the colours, darks, whites etc)
*Feed the cat (outside cat, no kitty litter)
*Rubbish out
*Water pot plants
*Put folded washing away

*Bring in dogs bowls (both dogs are too big for him to feed them yet, they both sit and wait, but Jackson nearly drowns you in drool and will bowl you over once he gets the "OK" signal)
*Fill water bowls
*Water vegie garden
*Put folded washing away

We will have bonus earning chores, as they pop up.

We are having 2 sets of jars at this stage, "Pocket Money" and "Save for [random thing]".

They have both picked an item they wish to save for, both approx $50, which is on a sticker on the jar. I have given them a clipboard with spreadsheet on it so they can keep a running tally.

Both kids got $6 from Nanny on Sunday for helping her clean the car and both got $5 from my Brother when he won some money on the pokies....they have been divvied up between the jars and instead of all the loose change just laying around, they have collected it, divided equally and added to the tally.

Both are surprised at how much their loose change has added up too.

Here's hoping the shiny doesnt wear off too quick

Thanks guys.

Last edited by DucksNuts; 01-01-2012 at 06:40 AM. Reason: my brain and my fingers arent playing well
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